Welcome to Skelton Leisure Hub - The Play Factory
You are currently Booking at Play Factory -

Timetable of Activities at Play Factory

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Click on the time below to start your booking.

Sun 09 Feb

You can book upto 240 days in the future.

PLEASE NOTE UNDER 1 PAID ADMISSIONS EXCLUDE THE SENSORY CAVE DURING SPECIAL EVENTS: 23rd Nov 10am-11pm; 18th Dec 9.30am-2pm; 20th Dec 9.30am - 2pm; 23rd Dec 2pm - Close 

Please note tables in the centre seat a maximum of 4 to 5 people. For bookings larger than this or multiple bookings made under the same name, we cannot guarantee tables together & do not reserve specific tables, especially during busy & peak periods. 
If you are booking to celebrate an occasion and require seating together, please take a look at our Party Packages which include reserved areas and are great value for money!
We can accomodate last minute parties - please get in touch if slots for your date aren't showing online! 

We DO NOT permit food/ drinks to be brought into the premises under any circumstances. We do serve a range of hot and cold food and beverages and cater to many allergies. 
Birthday & Celebration Cakes are ONLY PERMITTED to be brought into the centre for OFFICIALLY booked birthday parties. 

By agreeing to our terms and conditions you agree to all of the above. 
Please email info@skeltonleisurehub.co.uk for any enquiries :)

Additional Info:-

Get In Touch

Use our contact form, email, or ring.

safety first

Your safety is our number ONE concern. Please read our rules.

secure online booking

Bookings are taken on our secure website. We use Emerchant Pay a world leading payment gateway to take secure online payments. We do not store credit card details, on this site.